What Web Analytics Tools Do Online Conversion Experts Recommend?

web conversion experts

For every 100 visitors to your site, only two convert, meaning the average website conversion rate is just 2.35%. There are a lot of things you need to figure out if you want to increase your conversion rate and boost your revenue. 

Your message will be more relevant to your visitors if you know who they are and where they come from. By understanding how they interact with your site, you can improve your User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) and thus your conversions.

But how to accomplish this? 

Thankfully there is help. Actually a lot of help. 

By using any of the plethora of web analytics tools, you can assess and analyze your website’s performance. As a professional search engine optimization company, we can attest that your website can be optimized using web analytics tools so you can get more visitors to take positive action. 

Analytics: Why it’s important

What makes analytics so important? 

In a nutshell, analytics helps business owners achieve the following:

  • Discover how your visitors find you
  • Find out who your visitors are
  • Analyze how visitors use your site
  • Determine your best-performing content
  • Analyze conversions

In the next section, we’ll discuss how you can accomplish these different objectives. As a five-star digital marketing agency in Los Angeles, our goal is to help you understand how to use analytics to grow your business. 

How do your visitors find you?

Your site might receive traffic from a variety of places. They could be readers clicking through from articles featuring your company. They could be followers of your social media platforms and members of similar groups who share and comment on your posts consistently invoking their friend’s curiosity to visit your website.

They could also simply find you from good organic SEO rankings where a keyword relating to your product or service shows high in the results and drives them to your site. 

However they get to your website, knowing how these different channels contribute to your traffic will help you focus your efforts and refine your marketing plan. 


The answer lies in web analytics tools.

Google Analytics (GA) is maybe the most powerful of all the analytical tools. As they say about the Rose Bowl game, GA really is, “The Granddaddy of Them All”.

Many web analytics tools are available today, but GA remains the best option. 

Some of the benefits of GA include:

  • It’s free
  • Besides having great functionality, it also allows you to track all the data you need
  • It integrates well with other tools and platforms, including Google AdWords

GA allows you to access visitor arrival information under the “Acquisition” section. In addition to organic search traffic, you might also get traffic from direct, social, or referral sources. For a clearer picture of whether your SEO efforts are paying off, click on the “Organic search” category, which will tell you which keywords are driving traffic. 

As a side note, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, resulting in more traffic and opportunities to convert prospects into customers. 

Lean into the SEO Calabasas experts if you need help bringing relevant users to your website.

Who are your visitors?

Our ideal customer might still be a mystery if you’re only beginning. You can pinpoint your target audience by learning who visits your site. What if you’re an established brand with a clear idea of who your ideal customers are? 

You should still keep an eye on who visits your website. It ensures that there is no disconnect between who you think your site is attracting, and who is visiting.

Again, by utilizing a web analytics tool such as Google Analytics, you can find out who your visitors are.

The demographic information you receive will help you to better understand your site visitors (age range, gender), their location, and their interests and hobbies. Additionally, Google Analytics tells you what browsers and devices your visitors use. For example, if most of your visitors access your website via tablets, you’ll want to ensure that your website works properly on them!

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Web Analytics helps determine quality conversion rates.

Analyze how visitors use your site

Your next step should be to learn how your visitors interact with your site once you know who they are and where they come from. Check out Google Analytics’ “Behavior” section to see how your visitors interact with your site. You will be able to see what pages your visitors land on and which pages they click through to next.

As Google’s algorithm evolves, it becomes increasingly complex. Although links still rank highly, Google no longer treats all links equally. 

Compared to a highly relevant contextual link from a high-authority site in your niche, links from top online directories are much less influential. However, your business site will benefit from the credibility and traffic they drive.

Determine your best-performing content

Whatever you do, 20% of your efforts will typically yield 80% of your results (aka Pareto’s principle). Apply this principle to your content strategy. Though you probably already perform keyword research and write well-written blog articles, it doesn’t change the fact that some of your articles might bomb, and others might inexplicably succeed.

Find out which articles bring you the most traffic by identifying your best-performing content. Facebook has an option where you can view the comments and shares your articles receive, but Google Analytics is the most accurate way to track those numbers.

There are still tasks to complete after you identify the best-performing content. Try analyzing these pages or articles to look for patterns. Next, refine your content strategy and start producing more of that type of content.

Analyze conversions

Lastly, analytics allow you to track your conversions. In the end, you need a website that can convert visitors into customers. To maximize conversions on your site, you need to use a web analytics tool; by doing so, you can optimize your site. 

Discover the link between web conversion experts and your desktop to ensure your website conversion rate is high.

When your website has a high conversion rate, it indicates that your website is well-designed, formatted effectively, and appealing to your target market. 

Low conversion rates come from many factors, including website performance or design. A poor conversion rate is often caused by slow load times, broken forms, or copy that does offer value.

What other web analytics tools should you explore?

 But online success should not rely on Google Analytics alone. You should always consider additional web analytics tools. 

Here are some of our favorite options:

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a website analytics tool that helps you improve your site’s user-friendliness, engagement, and conversions. To do this, it uses heatmaps and A/B testing, which helps you observe how your site is being used by your visitors. 

This information can then be used to improve your site’s design to increase conversions.

Crazy Egg is helpful for:

  • Keeping track of your site’s clicks, mouse movements, and scrolling
  • Finding out how far down the page people are reading and what they are clicking on (heatmap)
  • Identifying the best performing version of your pages by testing different variations

As a whole, CrazyEgg is a good choice if you want to improve the performance of your website. It is user-friendly, explains everything in detail, and comes with all the features you need.


Kissmetrics is known for its ease of implementation. In addition to giving you insights, this is also a perfect tool for identifying data and working with it.

With Kissmetrics, you can track user conversions, analyze where you lose your potential customers, discover any broken parts of the funnel and many other aspects of user behavior.

Kissmetrics allows you to measure your best-performing marketing strategy, regardless of the marketing methods used.


With SEMrush, you can track the results of your SEO campaigns. Finding ways to out-rank your competitors can be done by analyzing your competitors, reviewing your backlinks, and analyzing your data.

Aside from monitoring backlinks, you can also do keyword gap analyses, monitor your social media efforts, and check your brand name.


Zuko is a tool for optimizing forms and tracking analytics. The tool helps you make the most of your forms. Zuko can help you improve conversions by making your forms easier to complete, showing warnings when there is a problem with the user’s input, and tracking form usage.

Form complexity increases analytics and optimization complexity. It is why Zuko can be an excellent tool for optimizing forms.


Using Mixpanel, you can analyze user behavior. In addition to understanding how customers interact with their sites, mobile apps, and products, it allows businesses to improve them.

Three solutions are available from Mixpanel:

  • Convert. This solution allows users to determine which segments have the highest conversion rates.
  • Engage. The solution measures active usage, redirects users to the right path, and re-engages them with product data.
  • Retain. The Mixpanel solution allows you to dig deeper into your retention analysis to understand why certain people retain better than others.

Best practices for using web analytics tools

 Follow these best practices to get the most out of your web analytics tools.

  1. Establish concrete goals and objectives

First determine what you want to accomplish with your website. You can then configure your web analytics tool to capture data specific to your goal.

Consider the case of a B2B company that aims to generate leads through its website. In light of this, you’ll realize that tracking your site’s visitors alone isn’t enough. In addition, you’ll need to set up your tool to keep track of how many form submissions you receive.

  1. Create custom dashboards

Google Analytics allows you to create custom dashboards for monitoring your key metrics. Visit the Solutions Gallery for ready-to-use dashboard templates submitted by other users if you need some inspiration.

  1. Use filters

Employees (especially developers or tech teams) probably visit your website often. Configure your web analytics tool to exclude traffic from your office IPs to prevent their visits from affecting your data.

Final thoughts on web analytics

You should now understand why analytics are a vital aspect to growing your business. Just as you would invest in seminars or additional staff to help analyze your customers, the online tools available are a necessary and valuable way to manage your customers behavior patterns and your business as a whole. 

As you grow your business, instead of balancing several tools or hiring more in-house staff to analyze the tools, you might be better served partnering with one of the leading digital marketing agencies in California, like the Avita Group to improve your conversion rate optimization.


Avita Group is a digital marketing agency in Los Angeles. We specialize in organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign management, Online Reputation Management (ORM), website creation and conversion optimization. 

The Avita Group team boasts a collective experience of over 25 years in the industry and has worked with a variety of multi-million dollar companies to help them improve their ROI, build better brand awareness, and mitigate negative online reviews and results.

Contact us today for a free consultation.