How a Fractional CMO Harnesses the Super Marketing Powers to Build Outside the Box

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With the rapid evolution of digital marketing strategies and the proliferation of multiple digital platforms and advanced tools (hello AI), many businesses need  expert guidance to navigate these complexities effectively. 

Thus, having a Chief Marketing Officer is essential to consistent growth.

You could hire a full-time executive with an elevated salary and benefits to manage the marketing direction of your company. But the hiring process unto itself can be intense and take time away from growing your business. Not to mention the training, day-to-day management and other HR necessities that will need to be addressed to have this Chief Marketing Office in-house. 

This is where a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (fCMO) steps in, offering a flexible and cost-efficient outsourced solution for businesses looking to maximize their marketing efforts without taking on additional in-house payroll and management responsibilities. 

In many ways a fCMO is like a marketing super hero dropping in when needed to save the day by looking at your business with a new, fresh perspective from the outside looking in instead of the other way around. 

Instead of continually falling back on old ideas, a qualified fCMO relies on cutting-edge marketing strategies to test and take your business in a fresh, forward-thinking direction.

In this article, we will explore a Fractional CMO’s services and delve into the best ways to employ their expertise to drive online success which include:

  • a fCMO’s role
  • The benefits of employing a fCMO
  • How to harness the expertise of a fCMO
  • Where to find an expert fCMO for hire
  • Conclusion

Some of the top marketing agencies in Los Angeles can provide fCMO solutions but first let’s figure out if this concept provides the best option for you and your team.

A fractional CMO’s role 

A fractional CMO, often referred to as an outsourced or part-time CMO, is a seasoned marketing professional who works with a company on a temporary basis to provide strategic, tactical, and technical marketing leadership and expertise. 

It’s a big shift in industry strategies where more and more, companies are outsourcing specific jobs or even entire departments. Avita Group, in one example, recently hired a virtual bookkeeping service that has cleared up so much time when it comes to managing an accounting department and the books.

Unlike a full-time CMO, a fCMO is engaged with a company for a specific project or for a given period of time, making them an ideal choice when facing budget constraints or when seeking specialized assistance for a finite marketing campaign.

A fCMO takes responsibility for the outcomes of your company’s marketing initiatives, success or failure. Their involvement not only frees up valuable time for other C-suite members to concentrate on their specific responsibilities, but also helps ensure the proper implementation of marketing strategies ranging from advertising to analytics within your company.

Fractional CMO agency

Let a fractional CMO provide bright new ideas to your everyday business plans

The benefits of employing a fractional CMO

In our experience working as fCMO for one of the world’s largest influencer marketing agencies, we’ve been able to fortify their traditional marketing strategies. 

We implemented and managed their Google pay per click marketing services and then broadened its scope to include country (and language) specific PPC campaigns for the UK and Italy. 

We also created a series of successful B-toB campaigns as a LinkedIn ad expert along with non-traditional on-page keyword optimization strategies. 

Here is an overview of the fCMO benefits:

  • Cost-Effective Expertise

One of the most significant advantages of hiring a Fractional CMO is cost savings. Businesses can tap into the knowledge and experience of a high-level marketing executive without the financial burden of a full-time salary, benefits, and overhead costs.

  • Flexibility

Having a fCMO on your team offers flexibility, allowing businesses to scale up or down their marketing efforts based on their current needs. Whether it’s launching a new product, revitalizing a brand, navigating a competitive market, or updating and integrating technical aspects of digital marketing strategies, these professionals can tailor their strategies to align with the business’s goals.

  • Objective insights

An external perspective can bring fresh ideas and unbiased insights to the table. Fractional CMOs, not being tied to internal politics or biases, can assess the business or organization objectively and provide recommendations for improvement. An objective third party can observe and understand a company in a way that those inside cannot.

  • Specialized expertise

Every marketing campaign has its unique challenges. Fractional CMOs possess a diverse skill set that can be matched to the specific needs of the business, whether it’s content marketing, ad copy and AB testing, social media strategy, search engine optimization (SEO), or influencer outreach.

  • Speed to implementation

With their extensive experience, an fCMO can expedite the implementation of marketing strategies. This rapid execution can provide a competitive edge in the dynamic online landscape.

How to harness the expertise of a fractional CMO

  1. Clearly define goals and expectations

Before engaging a fCMO, it’s crucial to establish clear goals and expectations. Whether you’re aiming to increase website traffic, boost conversions, or improve brand visibility, having well-defined objectives will help the CMO tailor their strategies accordingly. A fCMO also can work with you to help develop goals and expectations to set the stage for future engagement. 

  1. Collaborate on strategy development

A fCMO brings a wealth of experience, but successful collaborations require a two-way dialogue. Encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure the strategies align with the company’s values and long-term goals. 

The best fractional CMOs will want to collaborate and seek your feedback on goals and ongoing projects.

  1. Leverage data-driven insights

Fractional CMOs should also act as authoritative web conversion experts. Online marketing is inherently data-rich. Fractional CMOs can analyze these data points to make informed decisions and optimize marketing efforts. 

Importantly, a fCMO can help your business or organization integrate technical solutions into your operation to gather data to aid such decisions. Whether it’s monitoring website analytics, social media metrics, or conversion rates, data-driven insights can drive meaningful improvements.

  1. Stay ahead with digital trends

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Staying up to date with emerging technologies and competitor trends can be a full-time job in itself. 

Fractional CMOs stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring that your marketing efforts remain relevant, competitive, and attractive.

  1. Integrate marketing channels

Successful online marketing involves a cohesive approach across various channels, such as social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and SEO. Fractional CMOs can devise strategies that harmonize these channels to maximize impact, reach, and cost efficiency. Moreover, different channels and platforms can be integrated in a way that each complements and reinforces the other.

  1. Prioritize customer experience

Customer experience is paramount in the digital age. A fCMO can help your organization create personalized and engaging experiences that resonate with your target audience, fostering brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. 

Additionally, they can help you track customer feedback across popular rating platforms, such as Yelp, Google, and other services. This tracking can enable you to respond to or mitigate reviews that impact your business.

  1. Measure and adapt

Your fractional CMO can help you emphasize continuous improvement. This process involves regularly measuring the success of marketing initiatives and being prepared to adapt strategies as needed based on the outcomes. 

Marketing is never a static process. It involves ongoing improvement and continued incorporation of new strategies and tools and testing again to see if the bar for effectiveness can be moved even higher.

You can access further fCMO insights in this article that provides 8 reasons your business should consider a fractional CFO.

Where to find an expert fractional CMO for hire

Finding someone the right fit for your business and your team and then integrating them can take time and effort. It also is essential to have expert and competent help. 

If a fractional CMO only commits a few hours each week to working directly with your business, having them and your team feel aligned and onboard with your organization’s vision is crucial. 

Hiring a premier digital marketing agency with years of successful experience integrating with businesses as your Fractional CMO will help you be on your way to marketing success.


In the world of online marketing, the expertise of a fCMO can be a game-changer for businesses and organizations. Their cost-effective solutions, specialized expertise, and flexibility bring the advantages of a seasoned marketing executive without the associated costs of a full-time position. 

By aligning their strategies with your business goals, harnessing data-driven insights, and staying ahead of industry trends, fCMOs can drive online marketing success and empower your organization to thrive in the digital age. 

So, if you’re seeking a dynamic and adaptable approach to online marketing, consider engaging a fCMO to unlock the full potential of your business. 



Avita Group is a growth-focused online marketing company in Los Angeles. Our clients often have had previous agency experiences and ultimately find a long-term home with Avita Group.

We specialize in organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign management, Online Reputation Management (ORM), website creation and conversion rate optimization. 

The Avita Group team boasts a collective experience of over 30 years in the industry led by Founder and CEO, Brad Weber, and has worked with a variety of multi-million dollar companies to help them improve their ROI, build better brand awareness, and mitigate negative online reviews.

Contact us for a free consultation to evaluate how we can transform and elevate your business.